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Volunteer Today!

Join Christine today as she helps bring common sense back to Illinois. Become a member of her staff. We are looking for interns that would like to earn college credit by learning the process of running a political campaign. Our campaign management team is nationally known, and is willing to offer their skills in training future candidates and strategists. You will learn first hand on "how to build a campaign" gaining valuable experience to add to your resume along with a letter of recommendation!

Volunteers  - Phone banks, Door knocking, Canvassing and More!

We are also looking for volunteers to help in our office by answering phones, and supporting our campaign. We need volunteers to phone bank and canvass neighborhoods. The key to winning a campaign is a good team.

We also need volunteers to knock on doors throughout the district, hand out campaign literature, and talk to residents about Christine. We will train you on how a campaign is run and meanwhile you will gain life-long experiences!


Become a social media ambassador! We are looking for volunteers to help Christine by using their social media to get her message out. If you are on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter, you can help Christine by re-posting her campaign posts. It takes literally seconds of your day. Promote her campaign to your friends and family, getting them involved as well. The key is to network.

Help Christine by volunteering today! Message us on this site using the volunteer button. Thank you!

Together we can make a difference! 

Christine Shanahan for Representative for District 36!


Shanahan McGovern for Faith Family & Freedom
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